Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Environmental Management of Denbies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Environmental Management of Denbies - Essay Example The Black Death of 1348 also served as a setback as many wine estate workers were killed. In the revival of Cardiff castle in 1875, vineyards were re-established and production continued until 1920. Today, some 410 vineyards exists in Britain growing the German Muller Thurgau variety so that by 1995, a total of 7.7 hectolitres were sold equivalent to 4836 million of which English wine accounts to one percent. Denbies, with a vineyard of 265 acres produces about 400,000 bottles of English wine per year making it the largest vineyard in England (Denbies, 2007). Situated at South East England, Denbies is a part of the North Downs with a total land area of 635 acres collectively called as the Denbies estate. Following strict planning permission, the estate's historical landscape has been preserved including use of old name of plantations such as The Dell and maintenance of paths and tracks around and through the estate consisting of seven miles of vineyard trials accessible to the public (Denbies, 2007). This report shall deal with Denbies' environment management program as well as its current wine tourism industry. Culture, tourism and agriculture sectors are all involved in the wine tourism industry but it was emphasised that three sustainability pillars: environment, economy and society must be embodied (Poitras and Geiz, 2006). Likewise, in a broader concept, the four political, economic, sociocultural and ecological pillars are proposed in the context of competitive destinations (Ritchie and Crouch, 2003). Wine tourism has been defined as visits to vineyards, wineries, attending wine festivals, and wine shows for which grape wine tasting as well as experiencing wine production and other attributes of a grape wine region are the prime motivating factors for visitors (Hall and Macionis, 1998). In evaluating the environmental management of Denbies, all of the above shall be incorporated, but most specifically, the environment considerations as well as impact of Denbies' activities with regards to its environment and its surrounding area shall be pointed out in consideration of conserving the natural resource base in wine regions requiring collaboration and sound planning not only by management but by many partners that include the community (Williams and Dossa, 2003). Strengths: Denbies as an environmentally conscious organisation maintain programmes both for the vineyard and the visitor centre. Environmental strengths of Denbies amongst others include: Chemical use is taken into account (selective chemical use). Use of chemical spray is every 28 days cycle- enough to protect the wine against frost damage. No pollution problems around the area. Cork is 100% natural. Recycle its glass and uses virgin glass. Use of preservatives in wine is very minimal. The only waste is from yeast. Chemical store is far away from the vineyard to ensure safety. Does not need to irrigate. Has natural drainage. Offers training for its staff. Very good in health and safety. Does its own plant maintenance. Natural fertilization from pips and skins spread on the vineyard after pressing. Changing to natural gas from diesel. Cardboard recycling for its packaging. Composting grape skin. Using old oaks from barrels. Reuse spray from

Monday, October 28, 2019

Feedback Loops Essay Example for Free

Feedback Loops Essay DMSS processing will produce a variety of evaluation-specific outputs. A main document will be synthesized with the forecasts and reports regarding the DMSS effectiveness. The following will be enumerated in this document. (i) Organization performance, as well as, maturity assessments of the decision maker will be decomposed by the outcome projections. (ii) Phase and step ratings will be the separated form of the process projections, as well as, productivity appraisals and personal efficiency. (iii) The usage of the evaluated DMSS will determine the overall decision value. (iv) Further processing will be done by the advice and recommendation of the logic leading. The detailed documentation will be provided by such an enumeration, by which, the evaluation will be justified properly. The user will be available with several output options. The desired section of the main output will be displayed by the users on the monitor, and display will be able to print by the users. Alternatively, the entire document could be saved by the user into a file, and a hard copy could be printed for the display of the results. Point-and-click operations will allow the selection of all these options, which will allow the transparency of the processing to the user. Database entries can be updated or revised, specific knowledge can be evaluated, and evaluation model can be operational by the use of feedback from the actions of the evaluator, as signified by the input loop. The original analyses and evaluations can be modified, extended, and guided by the use of output feedback, as shown by the bottom loop. What-if-type sensitivity analyses have been included in the important further evaluations. In these analyses, specified changes in the outcome or process measures and their reactions on the DMSS effectiveness can be determined by the evaluator. (Dean 2006) Reliability of CBTIs (Customized Business Technical Information) Many computer-based systems for test interpretation also include options for computerized test administration and scoring. In most (but not all) cases, CBTIs have been constructed for instruments originally developed as non-computerized measures, raising issues regarding the equivalence of computerized and non-computerized administration formats. Concluded that by and large, computer-administered tests are essentially equivalent to booklet-administered tests. However, findings reported in that article and elsewhere suggest that conclusions regarding equivalence are more ambiguous than this. Scholar argued that equivalence between testing formats should be evaluated along both psychometric dimensions and experiential ones (eg, perceptual and attitudinal processes). They concluded that most studies have not addressed all the criteria for equivalence and have usually ignored possible differences in variances and criterion validity between computerized and traditional procedures. Although the strongest evidence for psychometric equivalence has been obtained for computerized adaptations of paper-and-pencil measures of personality, even here the data are mixed. For example, Honaker and Fowler cited four studies between 1974 and 1987 comparing computerized and booklet MMPI administration formats in which significant mean score differences were found on one or more scales. They noted that the status of the MMPI equivalency research is somewhat discouraging because the number of studies on the MMPI far exceeds that done for any other assessment instrument. A significant potential advantage of automated administration of psychological tests lies in computerized adaptive testing (CAT) in which only a subset of the complete item pool is presented, based on known item-response properties and idiographic response patterns of the respondent. Items lying outside the floor and ceiling of the individuals response pattern (i. e. , having either very high or very low probabilities of being answered in a particular direction) are omitted, thus providing greater efficiency of testing. Moreover, because CAT tailors the test to each individual, and each person responds to different subsets of items, anyone can be measured with the same degree of precision (i. e. , the same standard error), facilitating both accuracy and potential validity in predicting non-test criteria.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant :: essays research papers

English Essay - Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant ‘To what extent are Ezra and Pearl the victims and/or the heroes of the novel?’   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I think Ezra and Pearl are both victims and heroes of the novel. Both looking after the family, especially Ezra always thinking about everyone. Yet they both get taunted by the people around them, Ezra is teased and put down by Cody and Pearl just seems to be picked on by everyone in the family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pearl is heroic in the way that she has kept the family together even after Beck leaves. Her salary at the grocery gets the family through. She would seem like a ‘bitch’ to her kids but I guess all the hardships she has gone through could make-up for her bursts of anger now and then. For example when Pearl sees Jenny staring at a nice dress on a girl when they were at church, which undoubtedly Pearl could not afford. Pearl at the dinner table starts blasting Jenny then Cody jumps into it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This shows that Pearl is victimised but at the same time shows strength so is heroic. The burdens of three children without the support of her husband, Beck, constitutes to her heroism. Pearl has moved from place to place losing friends and relatives, only to come to an unfamiliar town where her husband decides to leave. Pearl refuses help from anyone, this depicts her strong points and still thinks Beck will return from his business trip. her strongwilled mind aids her and her family through life’s most troublesome tasks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ezra is quite of the more hero I think but still being victimised by his own mother, Pearl and brother, Cody. Being so kind hearted and always the favourite out his borther and sister Ezra leaves himself vulnerable to the ‘attacks’ of Cody and Pearl. Cody has always teased Ezra, for example the time when anyone complemented Ezra, Cody would lash back saying the very opposite. It seems that most of the families problem would rest on Ezra.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ezra would show the most heroism out of everyone. He was the one that kept the family together ofter Cody and Jenny left. Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant :: essays research papers English Essay - Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant ‘To what extent are Ezra and Pearl the victims and/or the heroes of the novel?’   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I think Ezra and Pearl are both victims and heroes of the novel. Both looking after the family, especially Ezra always thinking about everyone. Yet they both get taunted by the people around them, Ezra is teased and put down by Cody and Pearl just seems to be picked on by everyone in the family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pearl is heroic in the way that she has kept the family together even after Beck leaves. Her salary at the grocery gets the family through. She would seem like a ‘bitch’ to her kids but I guess all the hardships she has gone through could make-up for her bursts of anger now and then. For example when Pearl sees Jenny staring at a nice dress on a girl when they were at church, which undoubtedly Pearl could not afford. Pearl at the dinner table starts blasting Jenny then Cody jumps into it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This shows that Pearl is victimised but at the same time shows strength so is heroic. The burdens of three children without the support of her husband, Beck, constitutes to her heroism. Pearl has moved from place to place losing friends and relatives, only to come to an unfamiliar town where her husband decides to leave. Pearl refuses help from anyone, this depicts her strong points and still thinks Beck will return from his business trip. her strongwilled mind aids her and her family through life’s most troublesome tasks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ezra is quite of the more hero I think but still being victimised by his own mother, Pearl and brother, Cody. Being so kind hearted and always the favourite out his borther and sister Ezra leaves himself vulnerable to the ‘attacks’ of Cody and Pearl. Cody has always teased Ezra, for example the time when anyone complemented Ezra, Cody would lash back saying the very opposite. It seems that most of the families problem would rest on Ezra.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ezra would show the most heroism out of everyone. He was the one that kept the family together ofter Cody and Jenny left.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Christianity

The development, spread, and impact of Hinduism on India politically and idealistically is similar to the development, spread and impact of Christianity on Western Europe because politically, both religions were supported by their rulers and emperors; and idealistically because both Hinduism and Christianity share similar philosophies and beginnings which influenced major religious ideas and understandings.However, Hinduism in India and Christianity in Western Europe differed greatly on a social aspect because while India recognized and upheld the importance of an organized caste system in achieving religious salvation, Christianity viewed social classes as insignificant to core religious principals. This leads to the observation that societies are more often than not very similar, with few differences. The spread of Hinduism in India can be most attributed to the Gupta Dynasty and their successors.The Gupta Dynasty spread Hinduism by making it the official religion of India, and zea lously encouraged the practice of Hinduism to the people of India. Eventually, Hindu kingdoms began to independently rule Southern India under loosely administered states; Hinduism brought a sense of stability to Southern India by escaping from Islamic invasions, chronic war, and civil turmoil. Two of these regional states include the kingdom of Vijayanager and the kingdom of Chola.Both kingdoms spread Hinduism through political means such as building temples with authorities and land administrators that directly worked with guilds and invested in commercial and economic ventures. Similarly during the middle ages, Western Europe was run by Christian authorities and patriarchs called the Papacy. Pope Gregory I, also known as Gregory the Great, emphasized the importance of sacraments, which are a central belief in Christianity; this served as a major political influence of the spread of Christianity on Western Europe.The popes acted independently and devoted much of their efforts to s trengthen and construct a large Christian cultural zone which lay a foundation for a prosperous society, similar to that of the Hindu regional states. During Medieval Europe for example, no single regime controlled Italy, but rather, a series of ecclesiastical city-states competed for power. Like Hindu temples in Southern India, missionaries and monasteries were also implemented to spread Christianity to Europe on a more local level. Hinduism in India and Christianity in Western Europe was very similar in governing, politically speaking.The core principals of the Hindu religion come primarily out of the direct teachings of the Upanishads. The Upanishads explain the belief of reincarnation as well as karma and moksha. The Upanishads thoroughly explained how to live a pure and virtuous life, and how to be permanently liberated from the painful cycle of reincarnation, known as moksha. The Upanishads not only had a lasting impact on Indian thought about the nature of the world, but also on the observance of high and moral ethical standards. Likewise, the teachings of Judaism had a lasting influence on the spread and development of Christian ideas of Western Europe.Judaism similarly uses the Hebrew Scriptures which are believed to be the true words of God as inspiration to the way individuals are expected to live their lives fully. Both the Upanishads and the Hebrew Scriptures calls for a life without greed and hatred. The Hebrew Scriptures of Judaism is significant in Christianity because Christian roots begin with the Jewish teachings. Hindu teachings also recognize Krishna, a Vishnu incarnate that spread his word to all humans. This can be easily compared to Jesus of Nazareth who was a prophet of God that spoke to humans about Christian values. Read also  Arya Samaj at Krishna and Jesus can be compared to Zarathustra, a prophet who spoke on behalf of Ahura Mazda, a god of the Persian religion Zoroastrianism, which served as a major influence on Hindu and Christian values. Hindu teachings and ideas had a significant impact on India because it was ruled primarily by Hindu regional states, until Muslim forces began to interfere in northern India. Likewise, Christian ideas had a monumental impact on Western Europe and were the center of all decisions and ways of thinking until the Protestant-Reformation and the Enlightenment in the 16th century C.E. , when ideas regarding the world’s existence veered away from traditional Christian teachings. The development of the social classes in India began when the Aryans moved into north-west India, and imposed an organized social hierarchy made up of four Varna’s. This social class that was implemented plays a vital role in Hi ndu ethics because an individual was expected to follow their Dharma; an individual’s virtue according to cosmic order, which specifically refers to the caste in which an individual is born into.The core belief of Hinduism also states that special honor is given to the Brahmins and Kshatryas, the upper class in the Caste System made up of primarily priests, because they lived worthy lives. This made the spread of Hinduism much less popular within the Shudra and the Untouchables, the lowest classes in the Caste System, as well as women. On the contrary, Christianity experienced the most monumental spread within the lower classes of Western Europe, primarily with women. Many individuals were drawn to Christianity because of the promise for salvation as long as they demonstrate good morals and put their faith in God.Christianity also taught the underlying importance of the idea of equality within all people, which gave women and lower class individuals a sense of purpose, especi ally because the roots of Christianity begin with Jesus of Nazareth, who was born into a family of poor carpenters. The impact of Christianity and Hinduism differed socially because while Hinduism further emphasized the recognition of social classes, Christianity worked to cast aside social distinction within society.The ways in which Hinduism and Christianity influenced their societies were similar in that they had political as well as local administration support, and shared many of the same philosophies regarding life and morality. In any case however, Hinduism and Christianity differed in the belief of an organized social class. In conclusion, Hinduism in India and Christianity in Western Europe both nonetheless had very similar contributions to society as a whole.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

What recommendations do you have for Amberly as potential avenues for consideration?

The conflict with B&N and McGraw-Hill is a business issue that needs thorough analysis as well as the accurate identification of the key players in the conflict. It is readily identifiable that B&N is trying to weasel out of the situation with the book publisher. On the other hand, the book publisher also blames the college bookstore for poor sales of their books. The university professors play a significant role in the whole process because they are the ones who identify which books should be ordered and used by students.Amberly should also consider that some book publishers provide incentives to university professors when they choose which textbooks to use in their classes. If for example, a significant number of professors choose a McGraw-Hill textbook, then the publishers would have a fairly good idea of how many books they would sell and the profits they would make. However, the college bookstore had not been performing with their expectations so they now are charging a restocki ng fee which would make up for their targeted sales (Walter, Ritter & Gemunden, 2001).Amberly should also factor in the used book market which has significantly affected the selling of new books. Since most college textbooks are already very expensive, students generally would prefer to buy used books and B&N College bookstore actually operates its own used-book division. Since the bookstore makes more profit in selling used books than new books then it would be in their interest to sell more of the used books than the new books.McGraw-Hill is actually forcing B&N to increase their sales of new books. Amberly should make it a point to provide an alternative solution to the predicament. Such as making it clear how the university should deal with the issue, whether to review the terms of their agreement with B&N College, whether to ask B&N to submit a detailed sales inventory and make it clear what their priorities are; selling used books or selling new ones.And since the university g ets something from the sales of new textbooks, it should also look into whether they need to ask professors to requires students to use the latest edition or the new textbooks. Reference Walter, A. , Ritter, T. & Gemunden, H. (2001). Value creation in buyer-seller relationships, theoretical considerations and empirical results from a supplier’s perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 30, 365-377.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Dangerous Allure of the 70

The Dangerous Allure of the 70 Problem Identification In everything that one sets to do, there is need to ensure that it is done in the expected manner. Acting within expectation is what defines an accomplished worker from an ineffective individual.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on The Dangerous Allure of the 70-Hour Workweek specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Because of the increasing demand in every sector of the economy, there is always the need to work beyond the planned timeline. It would be appropriate that the workforce appreciates the importance of this. However, a crop of individuals has developed a character that is very dangerous to their well-being. These individuals work in excess of 70 hours per week. Some go beyond this to work for about 100 hours a week. Hewlett and Luce (2006) note with concern that some go overboard to work for a record 120 hours a week. Although it is a sure way of becoming rich, the practice comes with some s erious consequences. Such individuals, irrespective of their gender, put their health at risk. Cunningham (2000) cautions that taking much time without rest and exercise makes the body vulnerable to various health complications. Besides this, an individual who does not allocate his time appropriately between work and family would create an environment where their families would lose touch with him or her. Another concern that this current trend has is the inability to manage other social duties. Individuals who take almost all their available time on career related issues may find themselves being social misfits in the society. Cunningham (2000) observes that they may excel in their offices and workplaces but may not be in a position to respond to other social concerns.Advertising Looking for case study on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Situation Analysis The current generation worker force is indus trious and is always determined to accomplish duties at hand before the set time so that they get into other duties. However, the situation as it stands now is very dangerous. Many executives are working beyond the normal set time. This trend cuts across professions and sectors of the economy. As one climbs the career ladder, the need to do more than the normal duty increases. It is understandable that the current corporate world is placing a lot of pressure on few selected individuals in their quest for a leaner workforce. However, it is not appropriate that one is allocated duties that would completely make him or her lack time at all for the family. Giddens (2009) says that some duties would turn an individual into a zombie. One works without the realization that there is a family to take care of. This has seen many families break. Some spouses may not withstand a scenario where they are not given any time with their partners. This explains in part the reason behind the recent ri se of single parenthood, especially among the corporate men and women. Children who find themselves in such situations grow up to be very irresponsible. They lack parental care that every child would require for a normal growth. Other than the social consequences, one exposes himself or herself to many health risks by taking much of his or her time on various duties related to their career. As Hewlett and Luce (2006) report, some people would work in excess of 120 hours in a week. On average, this leaves an individual with approximately six hours per day to commute, eat, and socialize. This on average leaves an individual with about two to three hours to sleep. As Andrzej and Buchaman (2007) observe, it is important that an individual sleep for at least six hours a day. Taking two hours to sleep would make one develop serious health complications. Coupled with the fact that in some of the cases an individual may take most of the time seated, one would be exposed to both physical and mental dangers. If the body were not given time to relax and exercise, then it would fatigue and develop complications that would be avoided if proper measures were taken.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on The Dangerous Allure of the 70-Hour Workweek specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Recommendation It is recommended that one should make an effort to ensure that his or her responsibility is undertaken within the right time and with precision that is expected. However, it would not be appropriate if one engages in duties that cause total neglect to the family. One’s career is important but it should not be overemphasized at the expense of the family. There should be a balance between the two. Below are some of the ways in which one can ensure that he or she strikes a balance between social issues and job related duties. Planning is the main tool that an individual can use to ensure that he or she balances so cial duties and work. An individual should take time to lay down duties before him or her. The individual can then look at the time available to achieve the obligations. The individual should allocate time to each work in a way that would still allow him or her to obtain some time to be back to the family and meet some other social obligations. The planning would help an individual know the amount of time that would be required to meet various obligations. After making the plan, it is highly advisable that such an individual strictly sticks to it so that no obligation is given more time than was planned. Although this may force one to take lesser time at workplace, it is the only way of managing the attention needed at work and at home. Taking duties that are within one’s scope is another technique that can be applied to manage time. It is good to be ambitious. However, there is need for one to understand his or her scope. It is important that an individual appreciate his or her limits beyond which working will be strenuous. After this realization, it would be necessary that the individual take duties that are within his scope. It would help in avoiding circumstances where one is forced to work beyond the limits, forcing one to shelve time that would be spent with the family.Advertising Looking for case study on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The family is just as important as the career. As one aspires to achieve the best out of his or her career, it is important to note that the family also has a place. Neglecting one’s career would be dangerous as it may lead to poor yields, a fact that may lead to consequences that one could not have prepared for at work place. Similarly, assuming the family would lead to lose of touch between the parent and the family. Children need parental attention in order to develop normally. If this is reality is not identified, such children may develop to be irresponsible individuals in society who are not what the parents would have expected them to be. References Andrzej, A., Buchaman, A. (2007). Organizational Behavior. London: Prentice Hall. Cunningham, B. (2000). The stress management sourcebook. Los Angeles: Free Press. Giddens, A. (2009). The consequences of modernity. Malden: Blackwell Publishers. Hewlett, A., Luce, C. (2006). Extreme Jobs: The Dangerous Allure of the 70-Hou r Workweek. Harvard Business Publishing Corporation.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Aeneids Themes

Themes of The Aeneid â€Å"I sing of warfare and a man at war. From the sea-coast of Troy in early days He came to Italy by destiny, To our Lavinian western shore, A fugitive, this captain, buffeted Cruelly on land as on the sea By blows for powers of the air- behind them Baleful Juno in her sleepless rage. And cruel losses were his lot in war, Till he could found a city and bring home His gods to Laetium, land of the Latin race, The Alban lords, and the high walls of Rome. Tell me the causes now, O Muse, how galled In her divine pride, and how sore at heart From her old wound, the queen of gods compelled him- A man apart, devoted to his mission- To undergo so many perilous days And enter on so many trials. Can anger Black as this prey on the minds of heaven?† (1-19) This quote lays out the foundation of the story for us and shows us how important fate will be throughout the story. The use of the past tense tells us that Virgil is presenting us with a story of history, the end is certain because it already happened. Aeneas, spends the first half of the epic wandering in search of a new home and the second half at war fighting to establish this homeland. Lines 2 through 4 summarize Aeneas's first mission in the epic, to emigrate from Troy to Italy, as a fate already accomplished. Even though we do not learn Aeneas's name in these lines, we learn much about him. Most importantly, we learn that Aeneas is â€Å"a man apart, devoted to his mission.† In this opening passage, Virgil mentions the divine obstacle that will plague Aeneas throughout his quest: the â€Å"sleepless rage† of the â€Å"queen of gods,† Juno. Aeneas will suffer in the face of storms at sea and, later, a war on land, and Virgil attributes both these impedim ents to Juno's cruelty. In line 13, the poet asks the muse to inform him of the causes of Juno's anger. The primary conflict in the Aeneid is Juno's vindictive anger against the forces of ... Free Essays on Aeneid's Themes Free Essays on Aeneid's Themes Themes of The Aeneid â€Å"I sing of warfare and a man at war. From the sea-coast of Troy in early days He came to Italy by destiny, To our Lavinian western shore, A fugitive, this captain, buffeted Cruelly on land as on the sea By blows for powers of the air- behind them Baleful Juno in her sleepless rage. And cruel losses were his lot in war, Till he could found a city and bring home His gods to Laetium, land of the Latin race, The Alban lords, and the high walls of Rome. Tell me the causes now, O Muse, how galled In her divine pride, and how sore at heart From her old wound, the queen of gods compelled him- A man apart, devoted to his mission- To undergo so many perilous days And enter on so many trials. Can anger Black as this prey on the minds of heaven?† (1-19) This quote lays out the foundation of the story for us and shows us how important fate will be throughout the story. The use of the past tense tells us that Virgil is presenting us with a story of history, the end is certain because it already happened. Aeneas, spends the first half of the epic wandering in search of a new home and the second half at war fighting to establish this homeland. Lines 2 through 4 summarize Aeneas's first mission in the epic, to emigrate from Troy to Italy, as a fate already accomplished. Even though we do not learn Aeneas's name in these lines, we learn much about him. Most importantly, we learn that Aeneas is â€Å"a man apart, devoted to his mission.† In this opening passage, Virgil mentions the divine obstacle that will plague Aeneas throughout his quest: the â€Å"sleepless rage† of the â€Å"queen of gods,† Juno. Aeneas will suffer in the face of storms at sea and, later, a war on land, and Virgil attributes both these impedim ents to Juno's cruelty. In line 13, the poet asks the muse to inform him of the causes of Juno's anger. The primary conflict in the Aeneid is Juno's vindictive anger against the forces of ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch - Book Review

Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch - Book Review Summary of Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch, a Valentines Day picture book by Eileen Spinelli, wonderfully illustrates the power of love and friendship. It would make an excellent gift for a young child. The illustrations are by Paul Yalowitz whose whimsical, textured artwork adds greatly to the story of a lonely man whose life is changed by an anonymous gift, a change in attitude and the kindness of others. Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch is a book I recommend for parents to read aloud and talk about with their kids, ages 4-8. Mr. Hatch and His Lonely Life The main character in the picture book is a very lonely man, Mr. Hatch. The story begins with a description of Mr. Hatchs lonely daily life. He lives alone, barely knows or talks to anyone, works all day in a shoelace factory, buys a fresh turkey wing for supper each day, eats, takes a shower, and goes to bed. In his neighborhood and at work people say the same thing about Mr. Hatch, He keeps to himself. Mr. Hatchs loneliness is illustrated with drab colors and by the way in which the artist depicts him: shoulders slumped, head down, manner subdued. A Big Change for Mr. Hatch All of this changes when the postman brings Mr. Hatch a huge, heart-shaped box of chocolates along with a card that says somebody loves you. Mr. Hatch is so happy he does a little dance. Because he thinks he might meet his secret admirer, Mr. Hatch puts on a colorful tie and some old aftershave. He takes the box of chocolates to work to share. He even talks to Mr. Smith at his newspaper stand, notices he looks sick and offers to watch the newsstand while Mr. Smith goes to the doctors office. Mr. Hatch continues to talk to others, to help those in need, and to share with his neighbors. In fact, Mr. Hatch bakes brownies and holds an impromptu picnic for his neighbors at which he plays his old harmonica for them. His neighbors enjoy being with Mr. Hatch and like him very much. The more Mr. Hatch is friendly and kind to his neighbors, the more they reciprocate. When the postman tells Mr. Hatch that the candy had been delivered to his house by mistake and that he doesnt have a secret admirer, Mr. Hatch becomes withdrawn again. The postman tells the neighbors what has happened. The neighbors get together and throw a big surprise party for Mr. Hatch, complete with candy, a new harmonica, and a big sign that said, Everybody loves Mr. Hatch. My Recommendation This is a charming book with a powerful message. The importance of love and kindness comes through loud and clear. Even very young children will understand how good it is to feel loved and how important it is to help others feel loved. While this is an excellent Valentines Day book, the story is one that children will enjoy year-round.(Simon Schuster Books for Young Readers, 1996, Paperback. ISBN: 9780689718724) Other Good Books for Valentines Day One of the childrens books I particularly recommend is the special pop-up gift edition of Guess How Much I Love You, by Sam McBratney, with Anita Jerams delightful illustrations and Corina Fletchers well-designed paper engineering. Youll find more books on my annotated list of the Top Childrens Books for Valentines Day, which includes picture books, such as, Queen of Hearts Love, Splat and t, plus the beginning readers Too Many Valentines and Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Coca Cola Company and its Product Modifying Method to meet FDA Essay

Coca Cola Company and its Product Modifying Method to meet FDA standards - Essay Example With consumers worldwide becoming more and more cautious and watchful about their health, they are choosing to eat healthy and preferably live a healthy life. This follows the fact that deadly diseases such as cancer are on the rise and experts point out that these diseases are befalling most people due to their eating habits. This aspect has seen many companies including Coca Cola seek specific ways of modifying their products in order to meet the speculations set herein by special food governing bodies, which include but not limited to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Research findings posit that Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo Inc. are currently changing the procedures followed in making some of their products such as the caramel coloring commonly used in the sodas (50). This comes following the implementation of the Californian law that forces all products that contain a particular level of carcinogens should always come with a label of cancer warning. Ideally, this enforcement comes along with some consequences since very few people would risk purchasing a product that can cause cancer unto their lives. The company’s SWOT Analysis describes all the facts regarding what it intends to have its products free of any speculations. Web, sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&biw=1024&bih=610&tbm=isch&tbnid=dg5-NnM39-yN4M:&imgrefurl=,i:219&iact=rc&dur=214&sig=100064067000265222398&page=3&tbnh=186&tbnw=255&start=33&ndsp=18&tx=145&ty=39 Currently, Coca Cola is undergoing a series of transformations specifically in the production of its products with the aim of ensuring it meets the set standards provided by the FDA. The company is now looking into the details of most of its recipes in order to ensure that it produces beverages that are in line with the recommendations and regulations of FDA. Given that research findings opine caffeine as well as tannin mixtures with cancer related causes, people are taking a step forward towards doing away with products said to have such ingredients in t heir contents (59). Change of such consumer market has seen most companies head towards the verge of losing a large market base. However, in order to ensure continued profitability, Coca Cola which happens to be one of the world’s largest producer and distributor of beverage products resolve to come into terms with the FDA standards which require companies to observe health regulations and recommendations. On March 7, 2012, Coca Cola Company asserted that its use of caramel coloring in preparing its drinks has always resolved to put into consideration the necessary requirements and thus is safe. Douglas Karas, FDA spokesperson stated that FDA is working round the clock and ensuring that companies like Coca Cola and Pepsi provide their consumers with quality beverages that pose no challenge to the users. According to Beverage Digest, one of the most active industry trackers, PepsiCo and Coca Cola hold the largest percentage (90%) of beverage productions manufacturing. As such, analysts claim that they can pose the most immense crisis if at any one point ended up consuming products that have high levels of carcinogens (66). This indicates that

The Profession of Woman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Profession of Woman - Essay Example On the other hand, she advised the teachers to prepare students in such a way that they communicate their intellectual ideas with the third party who might either be an ignorant child or a friend ready to give a listening ear. The article was written by Catherine Beecher who was a member of an illustrious family that was new in England. She was also the founder of Hartford female seminary. She wrought this article because she wanted to create awareness of the female education. She wanted to promote and encourage the provision of female higher education in the United States. She had had the intention of promoting girls to pursue their education to higher levels. She also intended to make people know that it is the responsibility of the parent, teacher, and friends to shape the social, moral and intellectual character of an individual. The intended audience of Catherine is the teachers, parents and the girl child. She says that it is up to mothers and teachers to shape up and guide the growth of the female children, but it is up to the children themselves to form their physical habits and influence their friends positively. There are three major points that come out strongly in this article. The first one is teachers should prepare the students to share their knowledge with others. In the article, it is written that â€Å"†¦.defect in education is that it has not been made a definite object with teachers to prepare their pupils to instruct others. For of how comparatively little value is knowledge laid up in the mind if it is never to be imparted to others, and yet how few have ever been taught to communicate their ideas with facility and propriety. That there is the best way of teaching as well as of doing everything else cannot be disputed, and this can no more be learned by intuition than can any of the mechanical arts.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Bluebird Office Products LTD Case Analysis Essay

Bluebird Office Products LTD Case Analysis - Essay Example Speed delivery is at the core in this case. The three branded products had a sales figure of in 6,000,000 Euro 2011. The company’s operating costs stands at 5,500,000 Euro. This figure is projected to increase in the either option advocated for. The level of quality stands at 10% of the operational costs i.e. 550,000 Euro. The Company has a lead time of 12 weeks which it meets 80% in a year. The lead time could be modified to meet delivery speed for the customer. The advocated strategies from the marketing team are outlined below: Option 1 – FINBAR Ltd The customer has a colour that is expected to remain consistent although it will be placing orders according to customer specification. An increase in sales of 1,000,000 euro is projected from the sale of 2000 chairs at 500 euro. This sale is expected at one in every three months. Therefore the projected annual sales will increase by 1,000,000 euros. The impact of adopting the quality need specifications will generate an addition operating expenses. This stands at 825,000 euro. The level of quality maintenance cost is 82,500 euros. Earnings Before Investment and Tax of the company is expected to increase by 175,000 euros. Option 2 – Classy Ltd Classy Ltd will be ordering 500 chairs at 1500 euro generating sales of 750,000 euro. The projected operating expenses will increase by 550,000 euros and the level of quality will cost an extra 55,000 euros. An extra investment in this is needed for 50,000 euros. A total cost increase of 600,000 euros is projected. An increase in earnings before investment and tax is expected to be 150,000 euros. Current performance of the company stands at annual sales of 6,000,000 in 2011 and operating expenses of 5,500,000. The level of quality is maintained at a cost of 10% of the operating costs i.e. 550,000. The present earnings before investment and tax are 500,000 euro. An increase of 35% in earnings before investment and tax is projected if option one is adopte d i.e. the Finbar Ltd customer specified products. On the other hand, an increase of 30% in earnings before investment and tax is projected in the coming year if the Classy Ltd strategy of delivery in terms of speed and quality of the products. The company is faced with the situation where it will introduced innovative ideas as well as theme changes in product manufacture process. The time-based delivery aspect for strategy 2 i.e. Classy Ltd will call upon adjusting the lead time of the company to meet the speed at which the customer gets his products. Option 2 has an increase of 55,000 euros in maintaining quality while that of option 1 stands at 82,500 euros. Bluebird is faced with new product development as their case is change in theme but the original product. On the contrary, Classy aims for innovative ideas hence results to new product introduction by the Company. Finbar Ltd might bring a challenge of increasing the product line to meet the increased 2000 chairs production. W ith the consideration that the supervisor and wages expenses are not increased, this implies that the quality may be compromised in either case if care is not observed. Classy Ltd stands to bring an increment of 30% of the company’s EBIT which is less than 5% that of Finbar Ltd. This option however calls for a fewer number of products. The level of quality maintenance is lower by 27,500 euros. To meet the customers’

Multiple myeloma and the pathways associated with it and TGF-B. see Research Paper

Multiple myeloma and the pathways associated with it and TGF-B. see discription of project - Research Paper Example These cells are also characterized by the somatic hyper mutation of the Ig genes extensively. The Multiple myeloma (MM) cells have 1- 3% of the cycling cells with a low rate of proliferation. (Kuehl and Bergsagel, 2012). MM leads to immune deficiency, renal dysfunction, anemia and bone lesions. In United States, its incidence level is at the rate of 20000 per year and records as the second hematopoietic malignancy. Though there is no cure for this disease yet, the survival rate has increased from 3 years to 6 years. (Kuehl and Bergsagel, 2012). The International system of staging has classified multiple myeloma to have three stages: Serum Beta 2 microglobulin , serum albumin, serum creatinine, and platelet count along with the age of the patients are used as the powerful key factors for determining the survival rate of the patients with multiple myeloma. The concentration of serum beta 2 microglobulin in renal filtrate was found to influence the kidney function and also the best indicator of tumor burden in the patients with multiple myeloma. A multivariate analysis has found that serum beta 2 immunoglobulin factor concentrations was independent of serum creatinine and serum albumin concentration and remains as an independent prognostic factor. In stage I, the beta 2 immunoglobulin concentration is 3.5 mg/ L along with serum albumin concentration as 3.5 g / dL. At stage II, is the intermediate stage median survival of about 44 months and the last stage is stage III with median survival of only 29 months and the beta 2 immu noglobulin concentration being 5.5 mg/ L. (Yun et al., 2006). Multiple myeloma is a less frequent fatal cancer in both men and women. Multiple myeloma cases constitute about 0.8% of the cancer cases annually. The most important factors that cause multiple myeloma was found to be Tobacco chewing, Alcohol consumption, Diet, Obesity, different physical activities, some hormonal factors, Ionizing radiation.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Working with the Excellence Model - Critical Analysis Essay

Working with the Excellence Model - Critical Analysis - Essay Example Business excellence model was devised by the European Foundation for Quality Management in 1991; originally it is based on the Total Quality Management that is needed for the holistic development and the growth of the organization. This model is divided into two aspects – results which are sign of business success and enablers, which are indicators of practices inside the organization that can ultimately lead to business success. Business excellence is the meticulous tool to treat with quality management and business management. The objective of this business management is to improve performance that built on the rectitude of customer‘s focus, stakeholders value and process management. This paper is attempted to critically analyze the Business Excellence Model in relation with Cornwell Headland Hotel organization. The European Foundation of Quality Management (EFOM) described Business Excellence as formidable practices in governing the organization and attaining results, all these practices merely depend on a set of eight rudimentary concepts (Juran, 1972). These notions are: orientation of results; customer’s focus; leadership; management; people involvement and their development; constant learning; innovation and improvement; partnership development and public responsibility. This model requires excellence framework to redesign business plans and process control in organization (porter, 2012). From last few years, organization went through a great competition with other organizations on international level, which ultimately increases the demand of customer’s in market (Taguchi, 1986). On the repercussion of customer’s demand, most of the organizations acquired Excellence model. These model mainly consist of total Quality Management (TQM), Business Process Engineering (BPE), Business Excellence (BE), Performance Excellence (PE), lean thinking (Porter and Turner 2012). Headland hotel start their improvement journey for getting the benefits by using Excellence Model and modify their management according to this model by using its different approaches. Headland hotel organization gets a clear idea about their flaws in management and they seem to be very interesting or satisfied when they called for the Tourism Skills Network six month program. According to the Glimour (1995) the excellence framework is the actual plan of the organization that marks the organization towards the success. Self-assessment is the key practice of the excellence framework. Self-assessment allows the headland hotel to check their position in the market in excellence. Ishikawak (1990) also explain this way of organization to judge their capabilities and their outcomes with the present strategy and can make new ones for improvement to increase their profit. According to Porter and Turner (2012) the self-assessment can be done by using different approaches. They can start their assessment by choosing the framework that is according to the business plans but before this they should form assessment team that consists of all hard working employees. The next step is to collect the information from the external partners, assess the facts and do scoring of all collected data in database. According to Hoyle (2009) the clarification and verification of data should be done by organization collected from external partners. Then through questionnaire get the feedback of customers and plans the action according to their feedback. Self –assessment not only give headland hotel a continuous improvement by forgetting everything other than business but it also gives a base-line measure of the organization for their utilization and encouraged senior management involve in business excellence (Kadolf, 2007). It also gives motivation too. Self-assessment

Business Professionals' Perceptions of the Future of Business Tourism Dissertation

Business Professionals' Perceptions of the Future of Business Tourism in Abu Dhabi - Dissertation Example Following this conceptualization, nations have begun to enact policies and programs that have been termed as â€Å"green† for being environmentally-conscious and eco-system-centered (Pearce, Markandya and Barbier, 1989). Probably the best course of action undertaken by the nation-states is the implementation of economic policies highlighting the tourist appeal of their homeland (Department of Economics and Social Affairs – Commission on Sustainable Development, 1999). The apparent and contemporary importance given to tourism as an economic advantage has been accentuated to by the ratification of policies and legislative enactments promoting place-specific recognition and environmental conservation strategies (Brohman, 1996). Reid and Schwab (2006) stated that the concept of sustainable development is currently being upheld by countries around the word as a means to integrate current economic, social and political policies. The said report has been mainly deduced from th e ten-year collaborative study conducted by the University of Arkansas and Yarmouk University in Jordan which centered on the feasibility and viability of undertaking a tourism-centered economic revolution in Jordan. With this in mind, it then becomes likely to consider similar policies in nations belonging to the Middle East Asian region. What then could come from the enactment of policies capitalizing on the natural wonders of Middle East nations such as Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Yemen, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates? What could result from the change of economic concentration from oil drilling and exploration towards tourism? This research paper will serve as... This research is fundamentally about the presentation of proof evidencing the viability of business tourism in the city of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. To note, such evidence shall be, in large part, taken from the learned information provided for by business professionals deemed by the researcher as the most suitable and knowledgeable individuals on the field. Furthermore, this study will likewise provide a discussion on a variety of aspects related to the development of business tourism in Abu Dhabi. Additionally, this thesis will be covering the background principles and concepts in detail, review the relevant contents of the related literature, describe the methodology required for the research, collect the required data for findings, analyze the data with the help of manual and statistical tools, and build the conclusions and recommendation in separate chapters. The scope of study of this research ranges from the key aspects of the development of business tourism in Ab u Dhabi, its major drivers, its advantages and benefits for the economy, down to the social determinants constituted by public opinion and perspective of business professionals related to it. The research will provide an in-depth comparison of the trends appurtenant to the different countries that have undertaken to implement tourism-centered policies so as to present the idiosyncratic factors attributable to Abu Dhabi alone.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Working with the Excellence Model - Critical Analysis Essay

Working with the Excellence Model - Critical Analysis - Essay Example Business excellence model was devised by the European Foundation for Quality Management in 1991; originally it is based on the Total Quality Management that is needed for the holistic development and the growth of the organization. This model is divided into two aspects – results which are sign of business success and enablers, which are indicators of practices inside the organization that can ultimately lead to business success. Business excellence is the meticulous tool to treat with quality management and business management. The objective of this business management is to improve performance that built on the rectitude of customer‘s focus, stakeholders value and process management. This paper is attempted to critically analyze the Business Excellence Model in relation with Cornwell Headland Hotel organization. The European Foundation of Quality Management (EFOM) described Business Excellence as formidable practices in governing the organization and attaining results, all these practices merely depend on a set of eight rudimentary concepts (Juran, 1972). These notions are: orientation of results; customer’s focus; leadership; management; people involvement and their development; constant learning; innovation and improvement; partnership development and public responsibility. This model requires excellence framework to redesign business plans and process control in organization (porter, 2012). From last few years, organization went through a great competition with other organizations on international level, which ultimately increases the demand of customer’s in market (Taguchi, 1986). On the repercussion of customer’s demand, most of the organizations acquired Excellence model. These model mainly consist of total Quality Management (TQM), Business Process Engineering (BPE), Business Excellence (BE), Performance Excellence (PE), lean thinking (Porter and Turner 2012). Headland hotel start their improvement journey for getting the benefits by using Excellence Model and modify their management according to this model by using its different approaches. Headland hotel organization gets a clear idea about their flaws in management and they seem to be very interesting or satisfied when they called for the Tourism Skills Network six month program. According to the Glimour (1995) the excellence framework is the actual plan of the organization that marks the organization towards the success. Self-assessment is the key practice of the excellence framework. Self-assessment allows the headland hotel to check their position in the market in excellence. Ishikawak (1990) also explain this way of organization to judge their capabilities and their outcomes with the present strategy and can make new ones for improvement to increase their profit. According to Porter and Turner (2012) the self-assessment can be done by using different approaches. They can start their assessment by choosing the framework that is according to the business plans but before this they should form assessment team that consists of all hard working employees. The next step is to collect the information from the external partners, assess the facts and do scoring of all collected data in database. According to Hoyle (2009) the clarification and verification of data should be done by organization collected from external partners. Then through questionnaire get the feedback of customers and plans the action according to their feedback. Self –assessment not only give headland hotel a continuous improvement by forgetting everything other than business but it also gives a base-line measure of the organization for their utilization and encouraged senior management involve in business excellence (Kadolf, 2007). It also gives motivation too. Self-assessment

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Spoken Tactics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Spoken Tactics - Essay Example As part of the jubilee celebrations, bank would launch a variety of deposit schemes. Given below is the speech that the manager of the organization would deliver on the occasion. The audience consists of bank employees/staff, investors, customers, guests and general public. â€Å"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the very occasion we have been waiting for since the beginning of the last financial year. We thank you all for making this event highly valuable by your active presence. I would like to inform you the glad news that beyond our highest expectations, our bank has accumulated its greatest turnover even in this worst global economic environment. Dear friends; this achievement is yours who gave continual support and laid strong faith in the function and service of the organization. The bank is highly thankful to you for supporting us with your investments and deposits. Moreover, all your suggestions, complaints and feedbacks were of immense help to us for designing new strategies and forecasts. Of course, we had certain targets for this silver jubilee year. Lot of time and manpower has been spent to manage this accomplishment. I take this opportunity to thank all our customers who introduced new clients to us. Your cooperation and patience have to be appreciated in this context. I am here with a number of new offers to express our gratitude. All our beneficiaries will be privileged from this historic achievement in this jubilee year. Obviously, the relentless efforts and commitment of our whole staff and employees also have to be remembered here. In fact this success is the result of a two year project that commenced with a market survey. Our public relation faculty and other individuals who headed this task deserve a special appreciation. It was their sincere efforts that brought the real market situation to light. I remember the active involvement of all other employees in the accomplishment of the proposed target. They have paid extra time and

Monday, October 14, 2019

Dangers of Passive Smoking Essay Example for Free

Dangers of Passive Smoking Essay The topic chosen for the environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infant is secondhand smoke. According to the center for disease control and prevention, Secondhand smoke is a mixture of gases and fine particles that includes smoke from a burning tobacco product such as a cigarette, cigar, smoke that has been exhaled or breathed out by the person or people smoking. The parent I shared the pamphlet with is a 25year old African American mother of a 5year old male child. She has a high school diploma, single mother and works as a clerical associate in a private institution. The objective of the pamphlet was to educate her on the need to be aware of the danger of second hand smoke to her child, to make her environment as smoke free as possible and to know the resources out there for use when needed. The importance of the pamphlet was also explained to her because it can be used as a source for information or an avenue to reach out to resources, to know the effects of secondhand smoke. The effects of secondhand smoke to her child such asthma, ear infections, breathing problems, bronchitis and sudden infant death syndrome was also included to enhance her knowledge. During the interaction, she was very receptive of teaching, eager to learn, she also asked questions which were relevant to the topic that was discussed. She is not a smoker, but was concerned about the safety of her child because the neighbors in her apartment building smoke, sometimes in front of her building. The need to remove her child from the area as much as possible when the smoking is going on was stressed, she has a pediatrician that the child goes to for checkup. Understanding of the pamphlet by the parent was demonstrated by the relevant questions she asked such as how to protecting her child from secondhand smoke, and what type of illness occur from secondhand smoke , answers were provided to the questions from evidenced-based research. My impression of the experience is an exciting one and it went well, but there is always room to improve because nursing is a continuous process, and the feeling that I am putting my skill of educating the parent to better care for her ch ild and to protect the child as much as possible.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Concepts Of Medicine Adherence And Its Economic Burden Nursing Essay

Concepts Of Medicine Adherence And Its Economic Burden Nursing Essay Even though 45% of all medications prescribed in the UK are for older people, it is postulated that up to 50% of older people are non-compliant with their medication (SCIE, 2005). The prescription of various medicines is central to medical care and the overall drug costs account to about 10 percent of NHS expenditures. Surveys carried out in literature enlighten us with the fact that approximately 30% to 50% of patients do not use of take their medications as recommended by their prescriber. (1). Statistics show that in 2007- 2008, the NHS in England spent  £8.1 billion on drugs if as many as 50% of the patients dont take their medications as recommended, this could mean that  £4 billion worth of medicines were incorrectly used (2) . Furthermore the additional cost of unused or unwanted medicines within NHS totals up to  £100 million each year. On top of that the estimated drug cost of unused or unwanted medicines in the NHS is around  £100 million annually (3). A Cochrane review Interventions for enhancing medication adherence concluded that improving medicines taking may have a far greater impact on clinical outcomes than an improvement in treatments (4). Therefore if the prescription is inappropriate in the first place it not only translates as a loss to patient but also involves the healthcare system and the society. The costs included here are both personal and economic. Concepts of Adherence and terminology There are three major terms which are commonly used in the literature to describe medication-taking behaviours i.e Compliance, Adherence and Concordance (5). According to Pound (6) initially, the term compliance was used to illustrate the medication taking behaviour, which was then replaced by the term concordance. The term compliance came into disfavour because it suggested that a person is passively following a doctors orders, rather than actively collaborating in the treatment process (3) Whereas concordance refers to the anticipated outcome of the consultation between doctors and patients about medicine taking It is viewed as successful prescribing and medication taking based on the partnership with the patient (6). However the most current, fashionable and accepted terminology is adherence, which is defined by McElnay (7) , as the extent to which a persons behaviour (in) in terms of taking medicines, following diets or executing lifestyle changes, coincides with advice given by health care professionals Adherence shifts the balance between professional and patient about the prescribers recommendations. Pound (6) states that the above mentioned three terminologies tend to be used interchangeably but are incorrectly applied. Adherence can be viewed as the central aim, concordance is the process used to apply the central aim compliance is the outcome of the process. The benefits of medication might be restricted thereby causing a further deterioration in health as a consequence of non-adherence. . On top of this the economic costs do not only translate to wasted medicines only but also include the knock on costs which arise from increased demands for healthcare if (on the whole) health deteriorates. It is hence due to this reason that non-adherence is a major issue and should not only be seen as the patients dilemma. A fundamental drawback is represented in the provision of the healthcare, which is often due to a failure in completely agreeing with the prescription in the first place or to recognise the appropriate support that the patients might require later on during the treatment. Hence addressing non-adherence is by no means about getting patients to take additional medicines. Therefore tackling the issue of non-adherence involves the initial understanding of patients opinion on the medicine and then the various reasons to as why they are/m ight be reluctant or unable to use them. Causes of non-adherence There are many causes of non-adherence however they fall into two main overlapping categories i.e intentional and unintentional. Both types relate to the lack of an established pattern of medication taking which led to the incidental omission of medicines and may be experienced concurrently (8). Purposeful or intentional non-adherence occurs when a patient makes a specific decision not to take the prescribed medication. The anticipation of drug-related side effects and general dislike of taking medicines are common causes of intentional non-adherence (9). While accidental or unintentional non-adherence occurs as a result of forgetting or misunderstanding instructions about the drug schedule .Unintentional non-adherence is proposed to be range from a random departure to medication omissions from a prescribed treatment regimen (10). Hence the main features of unintentional non-adherence focuses on altering medication contingent on self assessment or perceptions of mental health, stress or anxiety, forgetting to take medicines or simply altering the doses of medicines to fit in with daily chores. A research carried out by Svensson (10) Kippen (11) showed that older people adherent with their medication often link the administration of medication to specific lifestyle events, location, time, and patterns of daily activities. Below table 1.3.1 shows the common perceptions and characteristics of adherent and non adherent medication taking behaviors. Table 1: Shows common perceptions and characteristics of adherent and non adherent medication taking behaviours. Perceptions related to medication taking behavior Intentional Non-adherence Unintentional Non-adherence Feeling unnatural taking medicines Fears of prescribing errors/addiction Life style change/ Disruption to daily routine Adverse effects of medicines Lack of faith in the prescriber Drug related memory loss/ Forgetfulness Long term risks of medicines Failure to accept diagnosis Altering dosing regimen Past experience of medicines Dislike of taking medicines Being asymptomatic Lack of comprehension of the need to take medicines. Testing medicines against symptoms Period of illness Vulnerable group of people Of all the age groups, medication taking behaviour in older people is of the highest concern. This is due to multiple reasons as described by Huges (12). Firstly, older people are highly likely to suffer from multiple diseases. Secondly, older people frequently administer three or more medicines concurrently to manage these conditions and third as a result of poly pharmacy, they are increasingly likely to mismanage their medicines (13). Furthermore, research shows the following as different lay beliefs by older people on medicine taking The need to reduce the symptoms of hypertension, to feel physically better (14). Fear of complications and desire to control blood pressure (10). Positive confidence in the prescriber (15). Apart from the elderly, another age group, where non- adherence is becoming a significant problem is in the pediatric population. In one of the studies carried out by Bush (16) it has been shown that one-third of the children in grades 3 to 7 reported they had used one or more prescription or non prescription medications in a 48 hour period. Adherence plans for children often require innovative approaches to encourage active participation in caring for their own health and how to use their medications appropriately. Consequences of medication non-adherence No matter how much critical the conditions are a patient might stick to his medication regimen, thus reflecting a loss of the health care system with increased use of medical resources, such as GP visits, unnecessary additional treatments, emergency department visits and hospital admissions. One of the recent research shows that about 3-4% of UK hospital admissions are as a result of avoidable medicine related illness (17) between 11 and 30 % of these admissions result from patients who dont use their medicines as recommended by their prescriber (3). In a similar manner, in 2006-2007, figures show that that the NHS expenditures on hospital admissions (excluding critical care costs) was approximately about  £ 16.4 billion (18). And the estimated costs of admissions, within the same year i.e. 2006 2007, resulting from patients not taking their medicines as recommended was found to be between  £36 and  £196 million respectively (18). Hence a reduction in these admissions and associated costs would be expected as the overall medicines adherence increases. Factors affecting medication adherence In accordance to WHO some of the main common factors reported to have a significant effect on adherence include: poverty, low level of education, illiteracy, poor socioeconomic status, unemployment, unstable living conditions, lack of effective social support networks, long distance from treatment centre, high cost of medication, changing environmental situations, high cost of transport, family related issues and culture lay beliefs about illness and treatment. In accordance to WHO the common belief of patients being the sole responsible for taking their treatment is misleading and most often reflects a misunderstanding of how other factors affect peoples behaviour and the capacity to adhere to their treatment. Adherence, in short, is a multidimensional phenomenon which is determined by the interplay of five different sets of factors, each of which are termed as dimension by WHO (5) . Each of these dimensions are listed as under and shall be discussed in detail Social/ economic factors Provider-patient/ health care system factors Condition related factors Therapy-related factors Patient related factors Social and economic dimension It includes limited access to health care facilities, medication costs, low health literacy, limited English language proficiency, unstable living conditions (homelessness), lack of family/social support network, and cultural beliefs about illness and treatment. Among these factors few shall be discussed in detail as under English language proficiency Both low health literacy and limited English language proficiency are barriers to adherence that deserve special consideration. Health literacy can be defined as the ability to read, understand and act on health information so that appropriate health decisions can be made. The risk of unsafe use of prescription medicine, is high among people with low health literacy and limited proficiency in English language due to the complex nature of the printed information that is available and because these people often do not receive adequate verbal communication or sufficient time from health care providers. Older adults with low health literacy may have trouble reading health information materials, understanding basic medical instructions, following prevention recommendations and adhering to medication regimens. Social factors Medication adherence is positively associated with social support and the availability of help from family and friends. Better outcome to treatment is observed in people who have social support from their friends/family (who assist them with their medication regimens) Cultural beliefs and attitudes Adherence to therapy, may overall be affected as a consequence of different attitudes which the patient may have towards health and medicine. Addressing these issues by the health care professionals is of prime importance so that the patients can get the most out of their medicines without compromising their health In case of adults, different components of health and healing cannot be explained by no one list. Therefore each individual must be considered on individual basis. Two major key components are requisite i.e asking non-judgmental questions listening, when it comes down to understanding the process of gaining an insight into patients beliefs (regarding health and healing) Patients belonging from various ethnic minorities bring along their practices in the health care system. This sometimes puts the health care professionals at test, who have been professionally trained in the light of western philosophy and medicine. Although groups of people may have beliefs or practices in common, yet that doesnt mean that they all can be classified under the same category. Within groups , the major differentiating factors include health status, educational level, sexual orientation etc (5). Respect Taking care of elder patients who belong from such backgrounds where they receive a great amount of respect (e.g. British Asian community ) should involve the element of respect combined with kindness. If they are approached with an attitude that consists even a tiny fraction of scolding or telling off, they might show resentment towards the adherence of medicine even though it may put their lives at risk. Therefore to put such patients at relieve it is of prime importance to show respect towards them . Traditional therapies and cause of illness Literature shows that two components such as religion and spirituality can play a vital role in the overall understanding of illness in its broadest sense among older people (19). The will of God for an improper behaviour, exposure to cold wind, natural causes etc are all different factors which older patients believe are major culprits for causing illness (20). This consequently leads them in such a situation where they end up giving God a chance to heal them or alternatively they seek help from a folk healer, try home remedies or pray for the treatment of their illness. An excellent example of this can be viewed within the Chinese culture where health may be seen as finding norm between ying yang, which is much more like hot and cold (21). Now patients who follow Chinese health belief may try such approaches which targets at restoring the balance between ying and yang (using different varieties of food and herbs). Likewise, some Asian ethnic groups rely solely on traditional remed ies for the treatment of long term conditions (21). At this stage it is also important to mention that the patient may not be cooperative if he believes that the health care provider may disapprove information surrounding the use of non-traditional remedies. This may ultimately lead to different interactions with the prescribed medications. Medication For some patients the preference lies in the dosage form or the size or colour of the medication. For example some cultures in Latin America view injections as more potent in comparison to oral medications. Likewise it is believed that Western medications are too strong by Chinese older patients hence therefore they might choose to not take the full dose of medicine (22). Health care system dimensions It includes different factors such as provider-patient relationship, provider communication skills, patient information materials written at too high literacy level, restricted formularies (changing medications covered on formularies), poor access or missed appointments, long waiting time and lack of continuity of care (23). The quality of the HCP-patient relationship is one of the most important health care system-related factors impacting adherence. Adherence to medicines can be increased as a result of good relationship between the patient and the HCP (which features the element of reinforcement and encouragement from the HCP), however there are many factors which have negative effect (24). These include lack of training and knowledge for health care providers on managing chronic diseases, lack of incentives and feedback on performance, poor medication distribution systems, short consultations, overworked health care providers, weak capacity of the system to educate patients and provide follow up, lack of knowledge on adherence and of effective interventions for improving it. Condition related dimensions It includes Psychotic disorders, severity of symptoms, chronic conditions, depression, lack of symptoms, mental retardation (25). Among these factors few shall be discussed in detail as under Chronic conditions and lack of symptoms Information within literature supports the fact that adherence to such treatment options (often declines as the time progresses) where medications have to be taken on an unlimited basis for the management of a chronic ailment. Example of two perfect clinical conditions which would fit into this profile include high BP and osteoporosis (26) , in which the symptoms are totally invisible to the patient. Furthermore, in the absence of symptoms these ailments lack the cues which would motivate the patient to adhere towards his treatment regimen. Depression A study carried out by Krueger (28) showed significantly lower rates of medication adherence among people with chronic illnesses and who are depressed. It is therefore crucial for the HCPs to be aware of the devastating impact, depression has on adherence consequently on regular basis should assess older patients who are sad all the time or who report symptoms of sleeping disturbances to eliminate the possibility of clinical depression. The slow onset of the pharmacological actions posed by different classes of antidepressants is classified as one of the major factor that contributes towards decreased adherence among elder patients. Adding on to that if the patient begins to experience the side effects (before even the symptoms are relieved), might consequence discontinuation of the therapy at a very early stage. In a similar fashion, a research conducted by Kemyttenaere (29) shows that once the patients (suffering from depression) start feeling bette,r they might stop the antidepre ssant therapy midway. Psychotic disorders A patients experience with unpleasant side effects is mainly one of the key causes which drives them from continuing their antipsychotic therapy. Literature shows that interventions which focus mainly on the persons attitude and beliefs about medications 9rather than on the knowledge) helps improve adherence. The addition of two key ingredients i.e Behavioral techniques motivational interviewing within compliance therapies, have proven to be very effective in improving medicines adherence among patients who suffer from psychotic disorders (31). Therapy related factors/dimensions It can be sub-divided into other different factors such as duration of therapy, lack of immediate benefit of therapy, frequent changes in medication regimen, actual or perceived unpleasant side effects, medications with social stigma attached to use, treatment requires mastery of certain techniques, complexity of medication regimen and treatment interferes with lifestyle or requires significant behavioural changes. Research by Tabor (32) Krueger (27) showed that decreased adherence is associated with medications with a social stigma attached to its use and with medications which require following complex regimen ( e.g. duration of therapy, number of daily doses required, or therapies that interfere with a persons lifestyle. Adherence can also be affected by other factors e.g. if administration of a medication requires the mastery of specific techniques like injections (32). In a similar fashion, when medications such as antidepressants are slow to produce effects, the patients/older person may believe that the medication is not working and might stop taking it. Likewise the side effects of a medication too can lower adherence if the patients start believing that they cannot manage or control them (25). Patient related factors/dimensions They can be sub-divided into two major factors i.e psychological/behavioral factors and physical factors. Psychological factors include fear of dependence or possible adverse effects, knowledge about disease, motivation, perceived risk to disease benefit of treatment, understanding reason of medication need, confidence in ability to follow treatment, feeling stigmatized by the disease, frustration with health care providers , psychosocial stress, expectations towards treatment and substance (alcohol) abuse. Physical factors include issues like swallowing problems, hearing, visual cognitive impairments and impaired dexterity or mobility. Few of these physical and psychological factors can be discussed in detail as under: Psychological factors that influence adherence The WHO proposes a foundation model for medication adherence which is based on three major factors i.e. motivation, information and behavioural change. Behavioural change has been found to be influenced effectively by making interventions based on this model (33). In accordance to WHO, adherence and non-adherence are different behaviours. In order to change behaviour, information is a prerequisite, but in itself it is insufficient to achieve this change. Hence at this stage behavioural and motivational skills are critical determinants. Motivation and information work largely through the behavioural skills to produce an impact on the behaviour. However, when the behavioural skills are uncomplicated or are familiar, the two aspects i.e motivation and information can produce a direct effect on the behaviour (33). Physical Factors that influence adherence The risk for non-adherence among older patients is increased due to physical and cognitive limitations. Visual Impairment Decreased ability to perform activities of daily living and an increased risk for depression is associated with vision impairment (34), (35). Furthermore there are many other medication safety issues associated with vision loss. A persons ability to read patient information leaflets, prescription labels, determine the colour and markings distinguishing a medication is affected by low vision and blindness. Therefore consequently people who cannot read prescription labels or distinguish among different medications have to rely on their memory or depend on someone else for help and hence may not be able to take their medications correctly. Hearing Impairment Hearing loss is directly related with age. The natural aging process not only affects the ability to detect sounds at lower levels but also the capability to understand speech at a normal conversation level (36). This condition does gets worse with age and is progressive. It is therefore important to not assume when a deaf person nods his head in acknowledgement that he/she has understood, as he/she might be relying on a family member or a companion to explain later (36). Impaired Mobility Older patients with poor mobility may have difficulty in self administration of medicines or in obtaining medicines from the pharmacy (37). Cognitive Impairment Poor medication adherence is associated with Impaired cognition (25). Elderly patients with memory problems and cognitive impairment may have difficulty in understanding when to take, how to take or how much to take their medications. Others factors also include as swallowing difficulties and impaired dexterity. PREDICTORS OF medication non-adherence Predictors of medication non-adherence can be a useful tool in the improvement of medicine adherence among older adults. Few of the non-adherence warning signs (38) include failure to fill in a new prescription, failure to fill in prescription for choric medication or failure to obtain refills as often as expected for medications taken on chronic basis. Below are some of the more common predictors of medicines non-adherence (38): Forgetfulness Lower cognitive function or cognitive impairment. Lack of insight into illness Lack of belief in benefit of treatment. Belief that medications are not important or are harmful. Complexity of medication regimen Tied of taking medications. Inconvenience of medication regimen. Side effects or fear of medication side effects. Missed Appointments. Substance Abuse Limited English language proficiency. Role of NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence): The issue of non-adherence to medicine is a very important issue in its own essence. After assessing and understanding the impact of non adherence on the NHS the NICE (National Institute of Clinical Excellence ) came into action and published a guidance in January 2009 (Medicines Adherence: Involving patients in decisions about prescribed medicines and supporting adherence) to tackle and address this core issue (of non adherence). Before moving further it would be essential here to describe the role of NICE in terms of its function. NICE was established as a special health authority on 1st April, 1999 is an independent organisation that provides national guidance on promotion of good health and prevention and treatment of ill health in England and Wales (39). The institutes main purpose is to offer NHS health care professional advice on how to provide patients with the maximum attainable standards of care and to decrease the variation in the quality of care . Furthermore, NICE is not part of the European Medicines Evaluation Agency (which assess the efficacy and safety of drugs), only licensed drugs on the basis of their added value relative to existing practice in the NHS are assessed by NICE (40). It has four programmes that produce guidance which are mentioned as under (39): Public health guidance Clinical Guidelines Interventional procedures Health technology appraisals ( for surgical interventions, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, etc) Most programmes take into account both the elements of cost-effectiveness (how well an intervention works relative to its cost) and effectiveness (how well an intervention works) NICE has an annual budget of 33 million pounds annually with over 250 full-time staff members working at offices based in London Manchester. The processes NICE uses in the development of its guidance are highly consultative, evidence based and transparent. It also involves all relevant stakeholders, including policy makers, health professional managers, specialist, academics, representatives of health care industries, general public and patients (39). The guidance that NICE produced to address the issue of medicine adherence was CG76 Medicines Adherence: Involving patients in decisions about prescribed medicines and supporting adherence. This guideline was produced taking into account the patients views as to what they perceive as barriers to effective medicines adherence and thus encourages healthcare professionals to have a discussion with patients about their prescribed treatment especially for long term conditions. In addition to this the guidelines also open a pathway for dialogue and negotiation between the patient and the health care professional regarding their medication. A quick summary of the guidelines is as mentioned below Summary of the NICE guidelines Bullet-points below quote from summarise recommendations from the CG76 guidelines (41). The key recommendations from NICE guidelines are as under Table 1: Shows the key recommendations from NICE CG76 guidelines. Involving Patients: Improve communication with patients Increase patient involvement in the decision making process about their medicines. Understand the patients perspective on their condition and possible treatments. Provide information about their condition and possible treatments. Supporting Adherence: Assess adherence levels Identify adherence issues Address adherence issues Review medication and its effective use Improve communication between health care professionals in the care pathway. From Significance of the Study Community Pharmacists are the health care professionals which are most readily accessible to the general public and therefore continue to be the first line of Healthcare. They are experts on medicines and represent an important link in the chain of the health care professional team. Thus the main objective of this research project will be to provide a new insight as to what the community pharmacists reflect/perceive about these NICE CG76 guidelines. Hence their views and opinions will be assessed and analysed with regards to these NICE recommendations (as this would help in the implementation process). Any differences in the views of the pharmacists or any disagreement on the effectiveness of the NICE guidelines would mean that further investigation could be required to improve or update these recommendations. Hypothesis: H0 = There will be no statistically significant relationship between the years of experience of the pharmacists and the awareness of NICE CG76 guidelines. H1 = There will be a statistically significant relationship between the years of experience of the pharmacists and the awareness of NICE CG76 guidelines. H0 = Majority of the community pharmacists will not agree (on to a large extent) that CG76 recommendations have been effective in the improvement of medicines adherence among their patients. H1 = Majority of the community pharmacists will agree (on to a large extent) that CG76 recommendations have been effective in the improvement of medicines adherence among their patients.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Role of Business in Society Essay -- Analysis, Dr. Novak

The problem to be investigated is that of understanding Dr. Novak’s discussions of the role business plays in society. The discussion centers around the topics of understanding the origins of the corporation, understanding the difference between corporations in the United States and Britain, understanding the different definitions of stakeholders, understanding the differences between democracy and social democracy, and understanding the evolving role of business. (Jennings, 2009) Furthermore, viewpoints from Plato, Cicero and Weaver are integrated to add depth to the discussion. The problem to be investigated is that of understanding Dr. Novak’s discussions of the role business plays in society. The discussion centers around the topics of understanding the origins of the corporation, understanding the difference between corporations in the United States and Britain, understanding the different definitions of stakeholders, understanding the differences between democracy and social democracy, and understanding the evolving role of business. (Jennings, 2009) Furthermore, viewpoints from Plato, Cicero and Weaver are integrated to add depth to the discussion. Origins of the Corporation Corporations began in the early middle ages through humbled societies and later developed as monasteries, towns, and universities. These corporations were exclusive and closely controlled by the state. In America in 1636, Harvard University began as a corporation. (Jennings, 2009) This was much to the dismay of those located across the Atlantic, as US citizens’ desired independence from royal charters and wanted to create corporations to meet their needs. By 1750, the American colonies had six universities, while England stil... ...fferent times to the needs of its creators. (Jennings, 2009) Conclusion Dr. Novak has strong and well thought out viewpoints of the role of the corporation in society. His belief is that the corporation in the United States is a stronger and better society because of its ability to provide rewards to stakeholders rather than society as a whole. Dr. Novak further adds to his argument that by understanding the differences between corporations and between stakeholders in the United States and Britain he can identify the motivations and strengths of corporations. (Jennings, 2009) Novak’s beliefs can be further supported by others on the topic including: Plato, Cicero, Aristotle (Henderson et al, 2009) and Weaver. (Weaver 2008) Dr. Novak also includes a discussion with the understanding the evolving role of business. (Jennings, 2009)

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Micromax Mobile Phone

[pic] X560 User Manual INTRODUCTION Thank you for purchasing this Micromax mobile phone. To obtain the best performance of your phone, please read this user manual carefully. Table of Contents 1Safety4 1. 1 Safety Precautions4 2Introduction5 2. 1Phone and Accessories5 2. 2To Lock/Unlock6 2. 3Your Phone6 2. 4About your phone6 2. 5About SIM Card and the Battery6 2. 6To switch ON and OFF7 3Phonebook7 3. 1To Add a contact7 3. 2To View a contact7 3. 3To Call a contact7 3. 4To Edit a contact7 3. 5To Delete a contact8 3. 6To Copy a contact to phone memory8 3. 7To Move a contact8 3. 8Send a contact8 . 9Add to Blacklist8 3. 10Caller groups8 3. 11Phonebook settings8 4Calling9 4. 1Call waiting9 4. 2Call Barring9 4. 3Call divert9 5Call Logs10 5. 1Missed calls/dialed calls/received calls/blocked calls10 6Messages10 6. 1Write SMS10 6. 2SMS Inbox10 6. 3SMS Draftbox11 6. 4SMS Outbox11 6. 5Sent items11 6. 6Archive12 6. 7Delete Messages12 6. 8Templates12 6. 9Message settings12 6. 10EMAIL12 6. 11Broadc ast Message13 7Phone & Call Settings14 7. 1Customized General Settings/Phone Settings/ Connection Settings14 8User Profiles15 8. 1User Profile Setup15 9Entertainment16 9. 1Camera16 9. 2Image Viewer16 . 3Video Recorder16 9. 4Video Player17 9. 5Music Player17 9. 6Photo editor17 9. 7Sound Recorder18 9. 8Slide show18 9. 9FM Radio18 10Fun & Games18 10. 1Games18 11Bluetooth18 11. 1To Activate/Deactivate Bluetooth Connectivity19 11. 2To Search/Inquire Audio Device19 11. 3To Search My (new) device19 11. 4Active Device19 11. 5Settings19 12Organizer19 13File Manager20 14WAP & JAVA Services21 14. 1WAP Browser21 14. 2WAP Setup21 14. 3Java21 15STK22 15. 1STK Services22 16Inputting Text22 17Phone Suite22 18Maintenance23 19Taking Care of your Device24 20After Services25 Safety 1. 1 Safety Precautions Please read through the following briefings carefully, and act in accordance with these rules, so as to prevent causing any danger or violating any law. Safe driving 1) Do not use the phone while driving. When you have to use the phone, please use the personal hands-free kit. 2) Please put the phone safely in the phone stand. Do not put it onto any passenger seat or any place from which it may fall down in case of vehicular collision or emergency braking. Turn off during a flight: Flight is influenced by interference caused by the phone. It is illegal to use a phone on the airplane. Please turn off your phone during a flight. Turn off the phone when within an area where blasting takes place: Be sure to strictly observe the related laws and statutes by turning off the phone when you are within, or in the vicinity of, an area where blasting takes place. Turn off the phone when any dangerous goods are in vicinity: Please turn off your phone when you are close to a gas station or in the vicinity of any place where fuel and chemical preparations, or any other dangerous goods are stored. In hospital: Please obey the related rules or bylaws of the hospital when using your phone in a hospital. Be sure to turn off your phone when near any medical equipment. Your use of any wireless transmission equipment, inclusive of the phone, will interfere with any medical equipment that is not protected fully, and other electronic equipment items, too. Should you have any question in this regard, please consult a related physician or medical equipment supplier. Interference: Each and every phone’s performance may be affected due to radio interference. Professional service: The phone must be installed or repaired by no other personnel than professionals. You are likely to suffer a huge risk when you install or repair this phone by yourself, which also goes against the warranty rules. Fittings and battery: You shall use the fittings and battery acknowledged by the phone manufacturer only. Using unauthorized accessories may tamper the warranty of the device. Emergency call: You may enter a telephone number (112, etc. ) to ask for emergency help after making sure that the phone has been turned on and is in the service status. Press the Send Key to call out. Disclaimer: Micromax will not bear any responsibility for any incompliance with the above mentioned guidelines or improper usage of the mobile phone. Micromax keeps the right to make modifications to any of the content here in this user guide without public announcement in advance. The content of this manual may vary from the actual content displayed in the mobile phone. In such a case, the latter shall govern. Introduction 1 Phone and Accessories Open the packing box of the phone and check that you have the Phone, Standard Charger, Standard Battery, USB cable, Earphone, Service Guide, Software CD, Leather pouch and Warranty Card. 2 To Lock/Unlock To unlock your phone (if auto keypad is enabled), press the small button on the top side of the phone. Or to unlock the phone slide up on the message displayed on the screen. 4 Your Phone [pic][pic] 5 About your phone Micromax X560 is a complete Touch phone. The main display of your phone is divided into 2 screens, slide your finger across the phone to change to the other screen to view more features. You can also change wallpapers by simply sliding your finger across the screen and choose from a wide range of interesting wallpapers. 6 About SIM Card and the Battery Please store the cards out of children’s reach. The card and the contacts are vulnerable to damage due to scratching or bending. Therefore, be careful when using, inserting or removing the cards. Be sure to switch off the phone before you insert or remove the battery or the card, otherwise, the phone may be damaged. Tips: The battery icon [pic] displayed on the screen indicates that the battery power is low. Please charge the battery. Please charge the battery before you use the newly purchased phone. We suggest you charge the battery for 4 hours continuously for the first time. Charging when the phone is in the ON mode will not influence the normal dialing and answering, but this needs to consume power, thus the time of charging will increase. We suggest you recharge the battery when the power is used up so as to prolong the life of the battery. 7 To switch ON and OFF To switch ON: Long press End key when the phone is in the OFF mode. If the phone lock has been activated, you need to enter the 4-digit password to unlock. (The preset unlock code is 0000. ) If the SIM card has been inserted in the phone, and the related PIN code protection is activated, you need to enter the 4-8 digit password to unlock. Warning: If you enter three wrong PIN codes in a row, the SIM card will be locked and you need to enter the PUK code to unlock. Both the PIN code and PUK code are provided by the network operator. To switch OFF: In the standby mode, press the key on the top side of the phone to power on and off. Phonebook You can store names and phone numbers in the memory of the phone or SIM card. Menu > Phonebook 1 To Add a contact Menu>Phonebook>Options>New Or in idle, tap on the calling icon to enter phone numbers and save a contact. 2 To View a contact Menu>Phonebook>Options>View In the contact list of the Phonebook, select to view the required name card 3 To Call a contact Menu>Phonebook>Options>Call View the contact number to make calls 4 To Edit a contact Menu>Phonebook>Options>edit Allows you to edit a contact 5 To Delete a contact Menu>Phonebook>Options>Delete Allows you to delete a contact 6 To Copy a contact to phone memory Menu>Phonebook>Options>Copy Copy the contact to the phone memory 7 To Move a contact Menu>Phonebook>Options>Move Move a contact from the phone to the SIM memory or vice-versa 8 Send a contact Menu>Phonebook>Options>Send contact Allows you to send a contact via message, MMS, email or Bluetooth 9 Add to Blacklist Menu>Phonebook>Options>Add to blacklist Add the contact to the blacklist 10 Caller groups Menu > Phonebook > Options>Caller groups To view the ‘caller groups’ folder tap on the fourth key above- to select the group to be set in the preset groups mentioned in the phone. Like- Friends, family, colleagues, others and more. 11 Phonebook settings Menu > Phonebook > Options>Phonebook settings †¢ Choose phonebook view- Choose a location to save your contacts in †¢ Speed dial- Choose numbers from your contact list and put them under the speed dial list †¢ My number- View your number vCard version- View the vCard version †¢ Extra numbers- View SIM1, SIM2 or SOS numbers †¢ Phonebook backup- Allows you to import & export contacts to and from the phonebook. †¢ Memory status-View the used and available phone & SIM memory †¢ Copy contacts- Allows you to copy a contact from the phone to SIM memory and vice-versa †¢ Move contacts- Allows you to mo ve a contact from the phone to SIM memory and vice-versa †¢ Delete all contacts- Delete all the contacts from SIM or phone memory Calling Note: Once you attend a call your phone will display a series of functions from you to choose from. For example- Mute, Send message, Hold call and more. Choose anyone feature to carry out the desired functions. 1 Call waiting Menu > Settings > Call settings>Call Waiting This function allows you to put the current call on hold and then answer a second one. If, during a call, a new call comes in, you will hear a special alert sound and the screen will display the number of the new incoming call, which indicates that a third-party call is coming in and waiting for to answer. 2 Call Barring Menu > Settings > Call settings >Call Barring The function is a GSM network service and can restrict outgoing and incoming calls selectively. If you need to change the settings of Restrict Calls, please contact your network operator to obtain the password for opening this service. 3 Call divert Menu > Settings > Call settings> Call divert With the Call Divert function (needs network support), you may divert incoming calls to another mobile phone or a direct line telephone, but not to any extensions of a fixed telephone. Call Logs 1 Missed calls/dialed calls/received calls/blocked calls Press the keys displayed on top of the screen to view> All calls/Dialed calls / Received calls/ Missed calls You may select View: View the desired entry Call: Call the desired entry Save to Phonebook: to save the number to the Phonebook Edit: to edit the number to dial or save to the phonebook. Send message: To write SMS/MMS to send to the number. Delete: To delete the entry. Delete All: Delete all the registered entry in one go. Call timer: View the call timers for the last/received/dialed calls or reset Call cost: View the call costs Messages 1 Write SMS Menu > Messages > Write SMS/MMS Write the content of the SMS Send to: Add contact number Input Method: select Smart abc/Numeric etc Add picture: Add a desired picture in the message you want to send as an MMS Add sound: Add a desired sound in the message you want to send as an MMS Add video: Add a desired video in the message you want to send as an MMS Add subject: Add a desired subject in the MMS message Slide Options: Allows you to add a slide ‘before/after in the current mms. Swtich to MMS: Allows you to switch from SMS to MMS, manually. Advanced: Insert text template/Insert attachment/contact number/insert contact name (embellish the characters of text)/ Insert bookmark. Save: Save the mms/sms Details: View the details of the MMS/SMS 2 SMS Inbox Menu > Messages > Inbox To read a message, move to the entry and press OK When reading a SMS, you can select Options > View: Allows you to view the SMS received. Reply: Reply to the message received. Call sender: Call on the number from which the SMS was received. Forward: Forward the entry to others. Delete: Delete the message. Delete all: Delete all the messages from the Inbox. Save to Phonebook: Allows you to save the number from which the sms was received to the phonebook. Mark as read: Mark the received SMS as ‘read’ ? Advanced: Copy to phone/SIM: Copy the SMS stored in SIM/phone to the phone/SIM. ? Move to phone/SIM: Move the SMS stored in SIM/phone to the phone/SIM. ? Copy all: Copy all the messages stored in SIM to the phone memory, or copy all the messages stored in the phone memory to SIM. ? Move all: Move all the messages stored in SIM to the phone memory, or move all the messages stored in the phone memory to SIM. SMS Draftbox Menu > Messages > Drafts View: Allows you to view the SMS received. Send: Send the message saved in drafts Edit: Allows you to edit the SMS received. Delete: Delete the message. Delete all: Delete all the messages from the Inbox. Advanced ? Copy to phone/SIM: Copy the SMS stored in SIM/phone to the phone/SIM. ? Move to phone/SIM: Move the SMS stored in SIM/phone to the phone/SIM. ? Copy all: Copy all the message s stored in SIM to the phone memory, or copy all the messages stored in the phone memory to SIM. Move all: Move all the messages stored in SIM to the phone memory, or move all the messages stored in the phone memory to SIM. 4 SMS Outbox SMS that have been sent and saved are stored in Outbox. Menu > Messages > Outbox SMS that have been sent and saved are stored in Outbox. To read a message, move to the entry and press OK When reading an SMS, you can select Options > View: View the message saved in outbox Resend: Select how to send. Edit: Edit the message. Delete: Delete the message. Delete all: Delete all the messages from the Inbox. Advanced Copy to phone/SIM: Copy the SMS stored in SIM/phone to the phone/SIM. ? Move to phone/SIM: Move the SMS stored in SIM/phone to the phone/SIM. ? Copy all: Copy all the messages stored in SIM to the phone memory, or copy all the messages stored in the phone memory to SIM. ? Move all: Move all the messages stored in SIM to the phone memory, or move all the messages stored in the phone memory to SIM. 5 Sent items Menu>Messages>Sent items View the messages sent by you to other numbers Menu > Messages > Sent messages View: View sent messages. Forward: Forward the sent messages Delete: Delete a message in the sent items folder Delete All: Delete all messages in the sent items folder Advanced ? Copy to phone/SIM: Copy the SMS stored in SIM/phone to the phone/SIM. ? Move to phone/SIM: Move the SMS stored in SIM/phone to the phone/SIM. ? Copy all: Copy all the messages stored in SIM to the phone memory, or copy all the messages stored in the phone memory to SIM. ? Move all: Move all the messages stored in SIM to the phone memory, or move all the messages stored in the phone memory to SIM. 6 Archive Menu>Messages>Archive Allows you to save messages received in your inbox into this archive folder. 7 Delete Messages Menu>Messages>Delete messages Delete messages from the following folders: Inbox, Drafts, Outbox, Sent messages, Archive, All messages 8 Templates Menu>Messages>Templates>SMS Templates/MMS Templates The phone has preset frequently used phrases which may be selected and added to the text when you are editing SMS. Preset phrases may be modified. 9 Message settings Menu>Messages>Messages settings SMS Settings Menu>Messages>Message settings>SMS settings Profile settings- †¢ Voicemail server †¢ Common settings- Set to receive Delivery reports, Reply path, Save Sent message. †¢ Memory status †¢ Preferred storage MMS Settings Menu>Messages>Message settings>MMS settings †¢ Profiles- Select a profile from the available network profiles. †¢ Common setting- Select to compose, send, retrieve or view the memory status. 10 EMAIL E-Mail Before use, you need to set the e-mail i n the â€Å"E-mail accounts† menu. Via this menu, you can receive and send e-mail.  ¦ Send and Receive: You can send/receive the e-mail from the specified mailbox. Write Email: You can edit e-mails.  ¦ Inbox: You can see the received e-mails.  ¦ Outbox: You can see the sent e-mails.  ¦ Sent: You can view send e-mails.  ¦ Drafts: You can see the drafts in the specified mailbox.  ¦ Clear mailbox: You can clear the e-mails in the specified mailbox, including inbox, outbox, sent e-mail backup and drafts, or clear all e-mails.  ¦ Delete marked emails: You can change the status of all e-mails to deleting status.  ¦ Email accounts: You can set up you new account.  ¦ Templates: you can pre-edit some common phrases, which is convenient for quick editing. Incoming Server: You can set the server parameters for the received e-mails, including Incoming server, Incoming port, user name and password etc. o Signature: You can set it On or Off and edit the signature. The fir st step in using email on your mobile phone is to define your email account’s settings so that your mobile phone knows which server to contact and to login using the correct credentials. TO CONFIGURE A NEW EMAIL ACCOUNT: Go to: †¢ Email >Email accounts> Options >New Account> Start to create account >Email address >Options >Next > Select email protocol (‘POP3’ or ‘IMAP- as per the account settings). Next >Select Data account (as per the SIM connection) > Incoming Server (edit email incoming server as per the account standard settings). †¢ Next > Outgoing Server (edit email outgoing server as per the account standard settings) >User Name > Password > Account Name > Options > Done (email account is created) †¢ Go to- Created email account >Options > Edit (user can edit email account settings if required) †¢ Advance Settings > Outgoing Sever > Outgoing Port (Input correct outgoing port according to the email configuration). Advance Settings > Incoming Server > Incoming Port (Input correct incoming port according to the email configuration) †¢ Go to- Configured email account > Options > Activate Your email account is now created! 11 Broadcast Message Menu > Messages > Broadcast Message The phone supports Broadcast Message. It is supported by GSM network. Broadcast messages are single-way messages sent to the users of the network operators by the message service center. For the contents and channel setup of broadcast messages, consult your network operator. Phone & Call Settings Customized General Settings/Phone Settings/ Connection Settings |Functions |Description | |Set time and date |Menu > Settings > Phone settings > Time and date | |Schedule power on/off |Menu > Settings > Phone settings > Schedule power on/off | | |To disable and enable status; to activate/deactivate, switch on/off, and time in turn. |Select language |Menu > Settings > Phone settings > Language | |Set Display setup |Menu > Settings > Phone se ttings gt; Display Setup > Wallpaper/Screen saver/Show date and | | |time/LCD backlight/ Show owner number | |Set Greeting text |Menu > Settings > Phone settings > Greeting Text | |Auto update of date and time On/Off |Menu > Settings > Phone settings > Auto update of date and time | |Set Caller ID |Menu > Settings > Call settings > SIM1/2 call settings>Caller ID | |Set Call waiting |Menu > Settings > Call settings > SIM1-2 call settings>Call  waiting | |Set call Divert |Menu > Settings > Call settings > SIM1-2 call settings> Call Divert Tip: You can select | | |Cancel all divert to cancel all the divert settings. | |Set Call Barring |Menu > Settings > Call settings > SIM1-2 call settings> Call Barring. Restrict Calls is | | |a GSM network service. Please contact your network operator to obtain the password for | | |opening this service. |Set the Blacklist |Menu > Settings > Call settings > Advance settings>Blacklist | |Reject by SMS |Menu > Settings > Call settings > Advance sett ings>Reject by SMS | | |Reject a call by SMS | |Select network |Menu > Settings > Network settings >SIM 1-2 network settings | | |New Search: The phone will select a new network automatically. | | |Select Network: The phone will search and display the list of known networks for you to | | |select the desired one, after which, the phone will try to log in the selected network. | | |If the selected network is registered successfully, it will prompt so. | |Set information of GPRS Connection |Menu > Connectivity> Data account>GPRS/GSM Data | |WIFI Menu>WIFI | | |Enable the WiFi connection in your phone to gain access to internet at any WiFi enabled | | |location | |Restore factory default |Menu > Settings > Restore factory settings | | |Tip: You need to enter the phone password when you want to restore factory default. The | | |preset phone password is 0000. Please bear your password in mind. Incase you forget it, | | |contact the local dealer or an authorized service center. | User Profiles 1 User Profile Setup Functions |Description | |Activate the profile mode |Menu > Settings> User profiles > Desired mode>Options > Activate | |Set the ringtone for incoming calls |Menu > Settings > User profiles > Customize> Tone setup> SIM1-2 Incoming call | |Set the ringtone for messages |Menu > Settings > User profiles > Customize> Tone setup> SIM1-2 message tone | |Set the ringtone for key pad tone |Menu > Settings > User profiles > Customize> Tone setup> Keypad tone | |Adjust the volume of Ring Tone / Key |Menu > Settings > User profiles >Customize> Volume | |Tone | | |Set Alert Type of ringing |Menu> Settings > User profiles> Customize >Alert type | |Set the ring type |Menu > Settings > User profiles > Customize> Ring type | |Set the Extra Tone |Menu > Settings > User profiles > Customize> Extra tone | |Set the answer mode |Menu > Settings > User profiles > Customize> Answer mode | Entertainment 1 Camera Menu > Camera Tap on the screen to view various functions. From Settings choose from a list of functions below to carry out the desired task Photos: View the images clicked. Camera settings: Set EV, Banding, delay timer, shutter sound, contrast and cont. shot, Image settings: Set the size and quality of photos. White balance: Set White Balance. Scene mode: Set scene mode. Effect settings: Set the special effects of photos, such as Grayscale, Sepia, Sepia Green and Colour Invert. Storage: Select phone or memory card. Restore default: Restore default settings. 2 Image Viewer Menu > Image viewer On the Image viewer list screen, open the image and select Options> View: View the highlighted photo. Edit: Edit the image Browse style: Select the style of viewing. Send: Send the photo by MMS or Bluetooth, Email Use as: Set the highlighted photo as wallpaper, screen saver, or the photo caller ID of a Phonebook entry. Rename: Rename the highlighted file. Delete: Delete the highlighted file. Delete all files: Delete all the files from the list. Sort by: Sort the files in the list. Storage: Select phone or memory card. 3 Video Recorder Menu>Video Recorder Choose from a list of functions below to carry out the desired task- Camcorder settings: set White Balance, EV, Night Mode and Banding. Video settings: Set video settings as per your requirement White balance: Set white balance Video settings: Set the Video Quality, File size limit, Rec time limit, and record audio. Effect settings: Set the special effects, such as Grayscale, Sepia, and Sepia Green etc. Restore default: Restore default settings. 4 Video Player Menu > Video player On the video player list screen, select Options > Send: Send the video by MMS or Bluetooth. Rename: Rename the highlighted file. Delete: Delete the highlighted file. Delete all files: Delete all the files from the list. Sort by: Sort the files in the list. Streaming URL: Allows you to browse sites like Youtube, Google. This feature is a network dependant service. Profile: Choose and activae a desired profile. Storage: Select phone or memory card. YouTube You can now watch videos on your phone on the popular YouTube site. Menu>Video Player>Streaming URL>Predefined>YouTube Note: This service is network dependant. Please get in touch with your network operator for the desired settings. 5 Music Player Menu > Music To add songs in your phone either add them from the phone memory or select the memory card by going to – Music player>Settings>Player settings> Pre playlist (Phone/Memory card) Playlists: Allows you to make a playlist and add songs in it either from the phone memory or the memory card. All tracks: Allows you to view all the tracks Recently played: View a list of the recently played songs Most played: View the most played songs. Recently added: View the list of recently added songs Artists: Add the artist name Albums: Add the album name Genres: Add a genre/type to your songs Refresh list: Refresh the playlist Nxp Equalizer: Add sound effects to your songs. Choose from a number of exciting effects like: bassbooster, Classical, Dance, Flat, Folk, Heavymetal, Hiphop, Jazz, Piano, Pop, Rock, Spokenworkd, Symphony, Theater, Treblebooster, Latin, Vocalbooster, Bassreducer, Treblereduces & Normal. Settings: †¢ Player settings †¢ Display settings †¢ Sound effects 6 Photo editor Menu> Photo editor Allows you to resize the images stored in your phone 7 Sound Recorder Menu > Sound recorder On the Sound Recorder list screen, you can select: Play: Play the recorded sound Append: Add a sound Rename: Rename the highlighted recording. Delete: Delete the highlighted recording. Delete all files: Delete all the recordings from the list. Use as: Send the highlighted record to the ringtone list for profiles. Send: Send the highlighted record by MMS, Bluetooth or Email. 8 Slide show Menu> Slide show Allows you to view images as a slide show. 9 FM Radio Menu > FM radio To search channels- Options> >Auto search To save the channel list- Select one or all channels and add them to the channel list. To change channels- Long press on the ‘>’ key to change to the next channel Fun & Games 1 Games Menu > Games Your phone has many preloaded exciting games in it. Choose the game you wish to play and cross various levels to set the ultimate highest score. Bluetooth You can connect wirelessly to other compatible device with Bluetooth technology. Compatible devices may include computers, mobile phones. You can use Bluetooth connectivity to send images, music and sound clips, video clips, and notes. Since devices with Bluetooth wireless technology communicate using radio waves, your device and the other devices need to be within a range of 10 meters from each other, but the connection may be subject to interference or could face obstruction from stuff such as wall or from other electronic devices. Use the wireless technology of Bluetooth to be able to consume battery quantity of electric charge. If you are restricted by something when using Bluetooth technology, consult your local Micromax support/service station. 1 To Activate/Deactivate Bluetooth Connectivity Menu > Connectivity>Bluetooth > Power(On/Off) 2 To Search/Inquire Audio Device Menu > Connectivity> Bluetooth > Inquiry audio device Tip: Please activate the Bluetooth first. To Search My (new) device Menu > Connectivity> Bluetooth > My device > Inquiry new device Tip: Please activate the Bluetooth first. 4 Active Device Menu > Connectivity> Bluetooth > Active Device Tip: Please activate the Bluetooth first. 5 Settings Me nu > Connectivity>Bluetooth > Settings View the following options to change/edit the Bluetooth settings- Visibility- Switch ON/OFF to display your Bluetooth device visbility Device name- Edit your Bluetooth device display name Receive folder- View items received via Bluetooth in the phone/SIM memory Device information- View details about your Bluetooth device. Organizer Functions |Description | |View the calendar |Menu > Calendar | |Notes |Menu > Notes | |Tasks |Menu > Tasks | |Set the alarm |Menu > Alarm > Edit | |World clock |Menu > Applications>World clock | |Calculator |Menu > Calculator | |Unit converter |Menu > Applications>Currency converter | |Text reader |Menu > Applications>Text reader | File Manager When a USB cable is connected, you can use the phone as a USB mass storage. |Functions |Description | |View folders |Menu > File manager> Options > Open> View folders in phone or SIM memory | |Format |Menu > File manager > Options > Format | WAP & JAVA Services 1 WAP Browser Menu > Connectivity > WAP You need to make the relevant settings in WAP Setup before you use the WAP browser to surf the web. When the WAP browser is activated, if a homepage is set in WAP Setup, the phone will link the website indicated by the homepage; otherwise, you may enter a website and the phone will connect to it. When surfing the web, select Options > Refresh: To refresh the web page. Homepage: To link the homepage. Input URL: input a website address. Add Bookmark: Add to bookmark. Set Homepage: set the URL as homepage. Forward/Backward: To turn to the next /previous page. Advance: Show URL info, Bookmark, Save item. Exit: To exit the browser. 2 WAP Setup WAP settings are required for surfing the web with WAP. Follow the steps below to set up a WAP account: †¢ Connectivity > Data Account > GPRS > Add account > Add account name/ APN/ Username & password > Save. Then go to: Menu >Connectivity > WAP >Settings > Profiles > Add new > Account Name/ Homepage/ Data Account (select the previously created data account) > Select connection type (HTTP/WAP- Indise HTTP & WAP ener the correct proxy address & port > Done > Save the account >Go to the created account & activate. Menu > Connectivity> WAP> Settings>Profile You can set the following: Account: To select from the GPRS connection list. Connection type: To set WAP or HTTP connection mode. Home page: To set the address of the homepage. The phone has a default and you can modify it. 3 Java Menu > Applications>Java You can install Java applications to enhance the multimedia function. It also allows you to connect to Snaptu, Nimbuzz and Operamini as well. Java settings Menu > Connectivity>JAVA settings STK 1 STK Services If your SIM card supports STK, you may use the corresponding value-added services. Inputting Text You can enter text in English and digit. Phone Suite Connect your phone and PC via the USB cable> Select COM Port PhoneSuite provides various functionalities for users to manage the documents in their mobile phone easily on a PC. It will communicate with mobile phone via serial communication or Bluetooth. †¢ Phonebook is used to manage the contacts information between the mobile phone and the PC folder. In addition to adding, editing and deleting contacts, users can get a backup of the phonebook database on the PC folder †¢ Message helps users to read, edit nd send SMS/EMS messages directly from PC. Besides, you can create personal folders to categorize all messages on the PC side. †¢ Settings: contains the system-related settings and message default settings. Users also can set whether they want to import contact list from other software or not here. †¢ Images: is us ed to draw images of various file types, and transport the images between the PC and mobile phone. It also provides clip, mirror and rotate functions to reach user's expectation. †¢ Melody: provides a easier way to compose your own melody through the staff graphic interface. It also provides the functions to transport the melodies between PC and mobile phone. MMS Message: helps users to read, edit MMS messages directly from PC. Users also can transport MMS messages between PC and mobile phone. †¢ File Manager provides a friendly interface for users to manage their files between the PC and the mobile phone. Functionalities of â€Å"copy†, â€Å"paste†, â€Å"delete†, â€Å"rename† and â€Å"new folder† are provided in the out tool. Besides, File Manager also supports local java installation from PC side. Maintenance Use a dry soft cloth to wipe general dirt. Do not use a hard cloth, benzene or thinner to wipe the phone, otherwise, the surf ace of the phone will be scratched or could even result in the fading of color. Taking Care of your Device Your device is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be handled with care: The following suggestions will help you protect your phone: †¢ Always keep the small parts of the phone away from children. †¢ Keep the device dry. Precipitation, humidity, and all types of liquids or moisture can contain minerals that will rust electronic circuits. If your device does get wet, remove the battery, and allow the device to dry completely before replacing it. †¢ Do not use or store the device in dusty, dirty areas. Its moving parts and electronic components can be damaged. †¢ Do not store the device in high or cold temperature. High temperatures can shorten the life of electronic devices and damage batteries. Do not attempt to open the device other than as instructed in this guide. †¢ Do not drop, knock, or shake the device. Rough handling can br eak internal circuit boards and fine mechanics. †¢ Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the device. Only use a soft, clean, dry cloth to clean the surface of the device. †¢ Do not paint the device. Paint can clog the moving parts and prevent proper operation. †¢ Use chargers indoors After Services For details, see the After Service Guide supplied with the phone. 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